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EMS academy - School Policies

Last Updated: February 25, 2025



Impact EMS Training is an EMS Program approved by the Idaho Bureau of EMS and Preparedness and is registered as a Proprietary School with the office of the Idaho State Board of Education.


Impact EMS Training is organizationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE). CAPCE is the recognized accrediting body for EMS continuing education.


Impact EMS Training reserves the right to change internal academic and administrative policies at any time, schedules, tuition and fees, student rules, regulations, and requirements at any time and without notice. In keeping with the philosophy of maintaining up-to-date program content, the school reserves the right to modify or change course content and/or the structure of course curricula at any time.


  • Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) Program
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Program
  • Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Program

Students who successfully complete a course of study will be awarded a certificate of completion verifying the fact.

As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review this catalog and make an appointment with school personnel to discuss personal and educational plans prior to enrolling or signing the enrollment agreement.

Impact EMS Training offers the following financing options:

  • Private pay with VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, PayPal, eCheck, Check
  • Payment Plan via Affirm
  • Impact EMS Training does not offer Federal Student Financial Aid or student loans.




Impact EMS Training does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex/gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, veteran or military status or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability in admission to its programs, services, employment practices, treatment of individuals or any aspect of their operations. This does not guarantee that a student can successfully complete the program or be eligible to sit for State or National exams.


Impact EMS Training is committed to providing access, equal opportunity, and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, and education for individuals with disabilities. Information pertaining to an applicant’s disability is voluntary and confidential and will be made on an individual basis. If this information is presented, Impact EMS Training will reasonably attempt to provide an accommodation to overcome the effects of the limitation of the qualified applicant. All inquiries about accommodations should be made to the admissions administrator upon registration of the program; some programs require medical documentation because of the rigors of the curriculum.

Students should review the Technical Standards Policy to better understand an EMS provider’s required physical, emotional, and cognitive requirements.


Admission is open to all individuals with a high school diploma or GED. A home school diploma/certificate will be accepted. The required age for admission consideration is eighteen (18) years and older. The school does reserve the right to deny admission to applicants who are deemed to not have the minimum academic ability to successfully complete course requirements.

Admission Procedures – EMR, EMT and AEMT Initial Certification Programs

Prospective students are encouraged to contact school admissions staff prior to enrollment. Impact EMS Training recommends prospective students visit the school’s website to learn more about the program curriculum’s and learning experience.

  1. Complete the online program application; pay the non-refundable application fee.
  2. Applicants will be given access to the online application portal where the required documents and other information can be uploaded and/or accessed. Prospective students will receive admission decision notification within five business days after receipt of all required documents.
  3. Impact EMS Training offers initial education students an interest-free payment plan solution. For students who opt for the payment plan program, you will have the option to select from the plan options during the application process.
  4. Once accepted, incoming students will receive an enrollment agreement detailing the school’s policies on academic standing, attendance, grading, grievance, etc. Students are to read, acknowledge, and initial where required as a symbol of agreement with the school policies. Once initialed and returned to Impact EMS Training, an enrollment confirmation will be sent to the student within three business days.
  5. Payment and financing arrangements will be finalized at this stage of enrollment. Students who are applying for the payment plan option will be given a link to start their payment plan.
  6. Once payment and enrollment documents are finalized, students will be given their first-course assignment. This essay will explain why they want to be in the EMS field.
  7. Once a student submits this assignment, they will officially be started in the program and be given online access to the course material and Audiobook for their course. If requested the physical textbooks or ebook will be sent as soon as the first assignment “Why do you want to be an EMT?” is completed.

Note: Courses must be paid in full prior to psychomotor skills evaluations either in person or remotely.


Good to Know Information

Conditions that may adversely impact a student’s ability to:

  1. Benefit from the training
    • Not completing assignments, projects, quizzes, or exams as assigned.
    • Not actively participating in the courses outlined in the program.
    • Not having a reliable computer and/or Internet service.
    • Not having the required immunizations to attend clinical rotations and/or internships.
    • Hospitals and agencies may require the immunizations, but are not required by Impact EMS Training. This is for the student’s protection, the patients, and fellow staff the student will come into contact with.
  2. Obtain certification/licensure
    • Not completing the program and receiving a certificate of completion.
    • Failure to meet National and/or State certification/licensure requirements (i.e., failing the Criminal Background Check due to felony convictions).
    • Not having correct and current CPR-BLS recognition.
    • Not successfully completing the Psychomotor Skills and the Cognitive Computer Based Test (CBT).
  3. Work in the field
    • Not being physically, mentally, and emotionally capable of performing the essential duties of an Emergency Medical Technician.
    • Not completing 1 and 2 above.



Impact EMS Training does not currently accept ‘Ability to Benefit’ students. Minimum enrollment requirements apply for all vocational and avocational programs.


The vocational and avocational programs offered by Impact EMS Training meet or exceed the National Emergency Medical Services Standards to prepare the student to successfully complete the national psychomotor and cognitive examinations through the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). These examinations are required by most States prior to the student gaining state certification and/or licensure. Students should research their local EMS website to understand their State certification and/or licensure requirements.

The Emergency Medical Technician  and Advanced EMT program completes the mandatory psychomotor examinations throughout the EMS Academy Skills Week/Days as required by the State of Idaho, and the results are reported to the NREMT as required.

The Computer Based Test (CBT) is a mandatory component of the national certification process. This examination is taken once the student has successfully completed his or her program and has received a certificate of completion. This examination is taken at a Pearson Vue Testing Center.

Impact EMS Training offers test prep materials for any student with difficulty successfully passing the national CBT (cognitive) examination. If a student is required to complete remedial training for unsuccessful attempts at the psychomotor examination, an instructor may be assigned to the student to work one-on-one with the student.


Variance One – High School Diploma:

Impact EMS Training allows a variance for potential students who are 18 years of age but have not graduated from High School.

Potential students may start the Emergency Medical Technician Program or the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Program prior to graduating High School but must be a graduate prior to applying for certification and/or licensure in their home state. Some states require the potential student and/or educational institution to request a variance at the state level for a person who does not meet the minimum requirements.

Variance Two – Lapsed Certification

One minimum requirement to apply for the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) course is a current State and/or National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) certification/licensure. Impact EMS Training will accept a student into the AEMT course, contingent on his or her Criminal Background Check, and assist the student in getting his or her certification/license to a non-expired status while enrolled in the AEMT course.

The student will be required to complete the State and/or NREMT requirements to bring his or her certification/licensure to non expired status before being allowed to participate in EMS Academy Skills Week, Clinical Rotations, Field Internship, and the NREMT Psychomotor or Cognitive exams.

The student will be responsible for his or her own transportation, lodging, and meals.

The student should check with his or her home State for the lapsed certification/licensure requirements.

NREMT requirements for lapsed certification:

  • Complete State and/or CAPCE-approved EMT Refresher Course
  • Successfully pass a State administered Psychomotor Exam
    Successfully pass the NREMT
  • Cognitive Exam
  • Hold a current AHA Healthcare Provider BLS CPR Card or its equivalent



  • In order to achieve the curriculum objectives, a student must be able to:
    Assist in lifting and carrying injured and/or ill persons to and from the ambulance.
  • Engage in pushing and/or pulling to assist in extricating a patient pinned beneath or inside a vehicle and in vehicles with electrical hazards.
  • Walk, stand, lift, carry, and balance in excess of 125 pounds without assistance (250 pounds with assistance) while lifting, pulling, pushing, and carrying a patient.
  • Stoop, kneel, bend, crouch, or crawl on uneven terrain to gain access to a patient.
  • Climb stairs, hillsides, and ladders to gain access to a patient.
  • Communicate verbally in person, via telephone and radio equipment.
  • Work in chaotic environments with loud noises and flashing lights.
  • Perform patient assessments, implement treatment, and calculate weight and volume ratios under threatening time constraints.
  • Work effectively in low light, confined spaces, extreme environmental
    conditions and other dangerous environments while remaining calm.
  • Locate the scene of an emergency by reading maps and responding safely and quickly to the location as directed by the dispatcher while observing traffic ordinances.
  • Perform fine motor movements to perform procedures within the students Scope of Practice while in stressful situations and under threatening time constraints,
  • Perform major motor movements as required to operate the ambulance stretcher, long spine board, Kendrick’s Extrication Device, scoop stretcher, traction splint, long bone immobilization devices, etc.



This policy outlines the background check requirements and potential causes for denial of course enrollment due to prior criminal conviction.

Impact EMS Training has adopted a Criminal Conviction Policy for two primary purposes. The first purpose is to safeguard the public from individuals who, in practice as an EMS student, might pose a danger to the public. The second purpose is to protect the student from taking a course if they are not eligible to sit for the National Registry of EMT (NREMT) exams due to an existing conviction problem. As such, Impact EMS will work with individual students to identify if their prior convictions will place them in the position of not being eligible to test with the NREMT. Students who are not eligible to test with the NREMT will not be eligible to enroll in Impact EMS courses.

Impact EMS may deny an applicant eligibility to enroll in a course based on an applicant’s felony criminal convictions and all other criminal convictions (whether felony or misdemeanor) relating to crimes involving physical assault, use of a dangerous weapon, sexual abuse or assault, abuse of children, the elderly or infirm and crimes against property, including robbery, burglary and felony theft. All applicants must disclose any criminal conviction as required on the application.

This policy applies to an applicant’s plea of nolo contendere, a guilty plea or plea agreement, and a conviction after trial. Applicants are not required to disclose any criminal conviction that has been expunged from the public record or a deferred adjudication that did not result in the entry of a conviction judgment.

Failure to disclose a covered criminal conviction or withhold any material information regarding such conviction shall be an independent basis for denial of the application.


All students must sign an enrollment agreement when they pay for their tuition. This is a legal contract between you and the school. It contains important refund dates, so please read it carefully. Tuition must be paid in full prior to psychomotor skills evaluations via Zoom or skills week.


  1. Students are expected to log into their online course a minimum of bi-weekly to complete the didactic component within the identified timeframe and attend all skills week sessions and clinical and field rotations as outlined in his or her program. If a student needs to leave a scheduled area early or report late, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain prior approval from the Lead Instructor for the classroom segment and the Clinical/Internship Coordinator for the clinical and internship segments.
    1. DIDACTIC: The student must complete all online didactic coursework prior to attending the Impact EMS Academy Skills Week session. Progress of the online course will be evaluated every 30 days.
      1. EMT and EMR Students are encouraged to attend the provided monthly review sessions. AEMT students are required to attend 75% of their monthly review sessions.
      2. Attendance for the program’s didactic (online) component is based on a student logging into his/her course a minimum of bi-weekly to complete the didactic component within the identified timeframe.
      3. Failure to log into the the online course for more than 120 days will result in an immediate dismissal/removal from the course, unless other arrangements have been made. Students will be ineligible for a refund.
      4. SKILLS WEEK/DAYS: In the event of illness, the student shall notify their instructor via email prior to their absence or commencement of the class. Additionally, students must notify the Impact EMS Training voice mail by calling 877-389-8040. The call should be made before class begins.
      5. Students must attend at least 95% of the scheduled class hours during the skills week/days.
    2. ABSENTEEISM: The student must complete the self-directed online didactic coursework in its entirety before attending the Impact EMS Academy Skills Week, clinical rotations, and/or field internship rotations. It is recognized that there may be an occasion when a student may not be able to attend a class (e.g., illness, death in the family, etc.). However, students are responsible for all program material. Therefore, the following policy has been established:
      1. Excused Absence: Each student must attend 95% of skills week sessions and 100% of his or her clinical and internship shifts. The Lead Instructor or Clinical Coordinator will make the determination of whether or not an occurrence is excused. A doctor’s excuse may be requested. If a student misses more than 5% of the total skills week and any clinical or internship time, the Program Director, Lead Instructor, Clinical Coordinator, and Medical Director(s) will meet to review the student’s status, and they may be terminated from the program.
      2. Unexcused Absence: Unexcused absenteeism will not be tolerated. In the event of an unexcused absence, the student will have a conference with the Clinical Coordinator, Program Director, or Lead Instructor. If a second unexcused absence occurs, the student may be terminated from the program after meeting with the Clinical Coordinator, Program Director, Lead Instructor, and Medical Director(s). Remote Skills session NOTE: More than 3 (unexcused) missed scheduled Zoom sessions may result in dismissal and failure of the program.
    3. Tardiness: Unexcused Tardiness is not allowed. An occurrence of unexcused tardiness will result in a conference between the student and the Lead Instructor or Clinical Coordinator. Should subsequent occurrences of tardiness occur, other disciplinary action may be taken. A student may be terminated from the program should the student accumulate two (2) occurrences of unexcused tardiness. The Lead Instructor or Clinical Coordinator will make the determination of whether or not an occurrence is excused or unexcused. Tardiness is defined as being ten (10) or more minutes late for class. Unexcused Tardiness after thirty (30) minutes will be classified as an absence. The Lead Instructor will determine on a case-by-case basis if a student can take any exam in which the student is tardy by more than ten minutes.

    4. A student who is not meeting the attendance requirements will receive a Performance Improvement Plan. The purpose of the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is to define serious areas of concern, and gaps in your performance, reiterate Impact EMS Training expectations, and allow you the opportunity to demonstrate improvement and commitment.


Circumstances may arise that may make it difficult for you to continue or complete your course.

Reason(s) for a Leave could include but are not limited to the following:

  • The birth of your child or placement of a child with you for adoption/foster care
  • Your own serious health condition that makes you unable to continue your studies
  • A serious health condition affecting your spouse, child or parent for which you need to provide care
  • Personal leave
  • Workplace injury
  • Military leave
  • Jury Duty
  • Work-related leave

If you feel your circumstance will prevent your successful completion, we urge you to seek a leave from your class. Leaves allow you to take consecutive class days off without penalty for the absences. If you have missed no more than two (2) weeks, you may re-enter your program at its current point. You will need to complete all assignments to the point you should be on your schedule within the number of days of your leave (if your leave was four (4) days, you will have four (4) days to complete the assignments). If you have missed more than two (2) weeks, you must withdraw from the course and begin a new course. Refunds will follow the Refund Policy.

A Leave of Absence request must be submitted in writing (via email or phone) to the business office prior to the requested leave.
Email –
Phone– 877-389-8040

The Program Director and Course Coordinator will review and determine approval or denial of the requested leave in consultation with the lead instructor and Impact EMS Training leadership team.

If you are requesting a medical leave of absence, you will be required to submit your initial written request for a medical leave of absence along with supporting documentation from a physician that states you cannot continue as a student at Impact EMS Training due to your medical circumstances. This must be done as soon as you know of your medical leave circumstances, not at the end of the course when you determine you will meet the required deadline.

Any paid tuition will be applied to a new course registration within one (1) year of your leave of absence. Refunds will be provided per the Refund Policy. Any tuition still outstanding at the time of the leave of absence must be paid in full, and Impact EMS reserves the right to pursue collection of any outstanding tuition and fees.

If you are on academic or administrative probation, you may only seek medical leave (physician documentation required). You may elect to restart a future course within one (1) year of an approved Leave of Absence. All necessary documentation will be required.


Impact EMS Training expects students and staff to behave in an appropriate and professional manner at all times while at any campuses, clinical sites, and internship sites. Impact EMS has a zero-tolerance policy for abusive, profane, threatening, confrontational, or aggressive conduct by any student.

  • By enrolling in any program at Impact EMS Training, the student agrees to behave according to the following standards:
  • Professional communication with fellow students, Impact EMS Training instructors, and administration in a respectful manner at all times. Rude behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Any threatening, demeaning, degrading, humiliating, or potentially harmful comments directed to anyone affiliated with Impact EMS or involved in any Impact EMS Training-sponsored program will not be allowed.
  • Any behavior considered sexual harassment toward anyone affiliated with or involved in any Impact EMS Training-sponsored program will not be allowed.
  • Any derogatory remarks regarding the race, sex, ethnicity, religious preference, sexual orientation, or disability of any person affiliated with Impact EMS or while involved in any Impact EMS-sponsored program will not be allowed.
  • Any inappropriate actions or horseplay while on the campus of Impact EMS or any affiliated site will not be allowed.
  • Unauthorized removal of company property or equipment from Impact EMS campuses or its affiliates will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from any current or future Impact EMS-sponsored programs.
  • Any intentional damage to company property or equipment belonging to Impact EMS or its affiliates will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from any current or future Impact EMS-sponsored programs.
  • Inappropriate physical contact with any person affiliated with Impact EMS Training during class will result in immediate expulsion from any current or future Impact EMS-sponsored programs.
  • Alcohol or drug misuse or the appearance of being “under the influence” of same while attending a course at an Impact EMS campus will result in immediate expulsion from any current or future Impact EMS-sponsored programs.
  • Any criminal action or activity engaged in by the course participant will result in immediate expulsion from any current or future Impact EMS sponsored programs.
  • Smoking is only permitted in designated areas while on Impact EMS campuses.
  • Professional appearance while attending an Impact EMS course offering is required.
  • All course participants must maintain appropriate personal hygiene and grooming during Impact EMS-sponsored programs.
  • Cell phone use is strictly prohibited in the classroom during the course unless approved by the instructor. Participants may request permission from the instructor to excuse themselves from the classroom in order to use their cell phone.
  • Any picture-taking or video and/or audio recording within the classroom during the course is strictly prohibited without the expressed permission and consent of the instructor and must comply with all HIPAA and FERPA regulations.
    Visiting social media and other inappropriate websites while using a personal computer, laptop computer, and/or computer tablet in the classroom during a course is strictly prohibited without the expressed permission and consent of the instructor.

Deviation from any aforementioned Standards of Student Conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from any current or future Impact EMS Training programs.


Students may be terminated by the school for failure to abide by the attendance policy, disrupting class, academic dishonesty, gross misconduct, sexual harassment offense, or for representing the School in an unprofessional manner. Upon termination, the School will communicate with the student via email the decision, an explanation, and the effective date. The School’s decision on termination is final.


This policy applies to all student experiences involving a certificate of completion (e.g., CAPCE F3 Distributed Learning courses, CAPCE F5 Virtual Instructor Led Training courses, Advanced Cardiac Life Support).

Written or other work that students submit must be a product of their own efforts and be consistent with appropriate standards of professional ethics.
A breakdown of behaviors that constitute academic dishonesty is presented below. The definitions and clarifications are meant to provide additional information and examples of these behaviors. They are not intended to be all-inclusive. Questions regarding this policy or requests for additional clarification can be directed to the VP-Pre-Hospital Education.

Academic dishonesty includes:

Cheating on Coursework and Examinations Definition: cheating is using or attempting to use materials, information, notes, study aids, or other assistance in any type of examination or evaluation which the instructor has not authorized.


  • Students sharing his or her unique username and password so another individual can complete coursework and/or exams for a student.
  • Students may not take examinations or evaluations in the place of other persons. Students may not allow other persons to take examinations or evaluations in their places.
  • Students may not acquire unauthorized information about an examination or evaluation and may not use any such information improperly acquired by others.



  1. During the EMS Academy Skills Week, Clinical Rotations, and Field Internship, appropriate attire must be worn, and the student must be clean, neat, and well-groomed at all times.
    Hair, shoulder-length or longer, will be tied back during EMS Academy Skills Week, Clinical Rotations, and Field Internship. Facial hair must be kept trimmed.
  2. Fingernails must be kept short and clean. Subtle nail polish is permitted.
    No jewelry except wedding rings, one pair of post earrings and a watch may be worn during the clinical and field internship rotations.
  3. Tattoos and body art with wording or images that may be perceived as offensive (such as racial slurs, swear words, revealing body parts in a way that a reasonable person could perceive as inappropriate symbols of death) to patients, families or other persons must be covered during the EMS Academy Skills Week, clinical and field internships components.
  4. Name badges provided by Impact EMS are to be worn at ALL TIMES during the program’s Clinical Rotations and Field Internship components.
  5. The ID must be worn above the waist, without attachments, and with the picture and name forward, immediately visible to patients, visitors, and other staff.
  6. Pins and awards must be attached to clothing or a lanyard, not the badge.
  7. Students inappropriately dressed will be asked to return home and change clothes. If the individual site does not provide attire, use the following as a guide.
  8. EMS Academy Skills Week (Impact EMS staff will determine acceptability)
    1. Casual pants
    2. Casual tops (no offensive words or pictures, no tank tops or sleeveless shirts)
    3. Appropriate footwear (a student must be prepared to work in field situations during a lab)
  9. Clinical Attire (unless scrubs are required)
    1. Dark solid color pants (EMS style, no shorts or Capri style) Impact EMS-approved t-shirts (with logo, Dark Blue)
    2. Dark appropriate footwear – no heels
    3. White lab coat (if required) must be worn with the name badge prominently displayed
      Must also meet any specific institutional requirements
  10. Field Attire (may have site requirements)
    1. Dark solid color pants (EMS style, no shorts or Capri style)
      Impact EMS-approved t-shirts (with logo, Dark Blue, or other approved uniform shirt as required by an employer)
    2. Dark appropriate footwear (no heals, preferably boots, but black shoes can be worn)
    3. Appropriate outer attire, as directed by weather conditions, may be worn with the approval of the field site coordinator.



Each course syllabus stipulates a minimum passing percentage grade. Passing scores for standardized courses, such as ACLS and PHTLS, are established by their national parent organizations. Students must maintain the minimum passing grade required to be considered for making academic progress. On-time completion of online components is also factored into course grading. Requirements are continuously monitored throughout the course.

In addition to the minimum passing grade requirement, the student must successfully complete the assigned clock hours for clinical and field internship rotations to be considered to be making satisfactory academic progress. The competencies identified in the respective Course Overview and Student Handbook must also be met prior to graduation. These requirements will be continuously monitored throughout the course.

  1. The student’s clinical and field grade will be obtained as follows
    1. Completion of the required number of hours in all identified areas
    2. Completion of a minimum number of required skills at the competent level
    3. Completion of the minimum number of required patient contacts
  2. Failure to show competency in clinical and/or internship per evaluation will result in the student being required to complete additional clinical and/or field internship rotations.
  3. Affective Domain Professional Behavior is an evaluation that will be graded through the program’s didactic (and internship) portion. This is graded by Competent/Not yet Competent (C/NYC). If a student is graded NYC at any time, a performance improvement plan will be implemented. Failure to become competent in any area may lead to dismissal.Students must receive an average Shift Performance Rating of “3” or above on 80% of the Clinical/Field Internship Forms within each Clinical/Field area. An average rating of “3” or below during the last 80% of rotation within the
  4. Clinical and/or Field area will result in repeating that Clinical/Field area with remediation.
  5. Weighted grades are as follows:
    1. Quizzes – 15%
    2. Section Tests – 35%
    3. Course Final Exam – 10%
    4. Assignments – 15%
    5. Lab – 25%



Due to the design of the EMS programs, there is no opportunity to make up missed work. The didactic (online) component must be completed (2 weeks) prior to attending the Impact EMS Academy Skills Week. The didactic (online) component is designed to allow the student to work at his or her own pace while completing the course within the maximum time frame allowed.


All students are required to make academic progress toward their educational goals. In order to ensure that students are both aware of their progress and are successfully completing their courses, students attending school during the “Warning” period are still deemed to be in Satisfactory Academic Progress. If the student has not met both the attendance and academic requirements at the end of the Warning Period, the student will be placed on probation.


If you fail to maintain at least an 80% course average on all coursework, you will be placed on academic probation. You will be required to have a counseling session with the Lead Instructor, Program Director, and/or Director of Operations to write an Educational Improvement Plan (PIP). While on academic probation, you must increase your class average to at least an 80% average, as outlined in your PIP. If you fail to increase your course average to at least 80% during the time period of the PIP, you will be withdrawn from your course. While on academic probation, you will continue all coursework; and participate in all related course activities and EMS Academy week.

You will be placed on administrative probation if you fail to meet clinical, field internship, financial, or other administrative requirements. You will be notified in writing (email) and placed on administrative probation starting the day following the notification. A counseling session will be scheduled with the Lead Instructor, Program Director, and/or Director of Operations to write an Educational Improvement Plan (PIP). Correction of the causative event will remove you from administrative probation while on administrative probation, you may not continue your course work, EMS Academy week, or participate in course-related activities. Absences accumulate while you are on administrative probation.


The student may submit a written appeal of his/her dismissal within five calendar days of receipt of the dismissal notice. The appeal must be accompanied by documentation of the mitigating circumstances that have prevented the student from attaining satisfactory academic progress and evidence that changes have occurred to allow the student to meet satisfactory academic progress standards. Only extraordinary circumstances will be considered, such as death or severe illness in the immediate family. Before an appeal may be granted, a written academic plan must be provided to the student, clearly identifying a viable plan for the student to complete the program within the maximum timeframe allowed.

The Program Director will assess all appeals and determine whether the student may be permitted to continue in school on a warning status, despite not meeting the satisfactory progress requirements. The student will be sent the written decision (email) within ten days of the Institute’s receipt of the appeal. The decision of the Program Director is final.

Students reinstated upon appeal are on probationary status for the next evaluation period, during which time they must meet the terms and conditions set out in the Program Director’s letter granting the appeal. The student’s academic status will be reviewed at the end of the evaluation period and at the end of every evaluation period thereafter. The student may continue on probation as long as he or she meets the terms of the academic plan approved when the student’s appeal was granted until satisfactory academic progress status is regained.


This policy establishes a fair and equitable process for the resolution of a student complaint who has been dismissed for non-academic reasons.


  1. A student wishing to file a written complaint (email is acceptable) or
  2. grievance should present the written complaint or grievance to the Program Director within five (5) business days from the date of the occurrence that initiated this action.
  3. The Program Director has five business days in which to respond in writing (email is acceptable) to the complaint or grievance. The Program Director may discuss the complaint or grievance with the Lead Instructor, Clinical Coordinator, and the Medical Director to make the determination on the status of the student’s complaint or grievance.
  4. If the student is not satisfied with the Program Director’s decision, the student may file a final complaint or grievance in writing (email is acceptable) within five (5) business days of the response to the VP-Pre Hospital Education. This final appeal must be made must be made within five (5) business days of the response from the initial appeal to the Program Director. The VP-Pre Hospital Education will respond in writing within ten (10) business days. The decision of the Director of Operations is final and binding on all parties involved.



For programs with clinical and/or field internship requirements, students must attend 100% of the required shifts. The School monitors attendance weekly. At the end of each shift, students must complete the required documentation in the skills tracking software and submit all completed evaluations from the assigned preceptor. Students are expected to be punctual, dressed appropriately, and represent themselves and the School in the highest manner. The school directly supervises the clinical and field internship shifts via the clinical/field internship coordinator. Please see the Clinical and/or Field Internship Manuals for a complete description of the required activities.


Students enrolled in the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) or the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) programs are required to complete all of the requirements for program completion to be considered a graduate by the last day of class that will be listed on your schedule and in your Enrollment Agreement (Projected Date of Graduation).

Once you have successfully completed the program, Impact EMS Training will provide you with a certificate of completion and an official course transcript (upon request).

If you fail to meet all course requirements by the course completion date, you will be terminated from the course. See individual course descriptions for course completion requirements.


The transferability of credits earned at Impact EMS Training is at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the certificate you earn in the Impact EMS Education Programs is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the certificate you earn at this institution is not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework there. For this reason, you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending the Impact EMS Education Programs to determine if your certificate will transfer.


To withdraw from a course, a student should notify Impact EMS Training in writing (email is acceptable), signifying their intentions to withdraw. A student may withdraw from a course. Refund of tuition and/or fees is calculated on the last date of recorded attendance.

  1. The student wishing to withdraw from a course should notify Impact EMS Training at
  2. A student who finds it necessary to withdraw or who is requested to withdraw may (upon request) have an exit conference with the Program Director and Director of Operations before leaving.
  3. Students who are requested to withdraw from the program are not eligible for readmission.
  4. Students who have withdrawn for acceptable personal reasons may reapply for admission into a subsequent course with the approval of the Operations Manager.
  5. Readmission may be at the appropriate time in the curriculum, as decided by the Program Director, Operations Manager, or Medical Director.
  6. Impact EMS Training reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any student who conducts academic achievement, clinical work, or field internship work that is not satisfactory or in compliance with the policies contained in this manual.
  7. Students dismissed from the class due to poor academic achievement may be allowed to enroll in a subsequent course. This will be at the discretion of the Program Director and Operations Manager and class space availability. The tuition for subsequent classes will be the current tuition for that class and is subject to change.



Current fees for the Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), and Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) are noted on our website under each respective course.


Payment in full on or before the first day of psychomotor skills training: tuition and fees are the same for in-state and out-of-state students. Acceptable payment methods for students paying tuition and fees in full on or before the first day of class include Cash, Check, Major credit cards, PayPal, or Affirm, Students should review the program’s tuition in the course catalog, at the Impact EMS Training website at, or ask the Admissions Administrator for a list of tuition and fees.

Payment Plans:

Impact EMS Training currently offers payment plans for the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) programs. For plan terms, see “Payment Plans Policy.” The payment plan must be paid in full prior to attending Impact EMS Academy Skills Week. A credit check is not done on potential students wanting to utilize the payment plan. Delinquent accounts may result in suspension or termination from the program and may be submitted for collection with collection agencies.

Student Loans:

Currently, this school does not offer any student loans. If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will be responsible for repaying the full amount of the loan plus interest.

Financial Aid:

Impact EMS Training does not offer Federal Student Financial Aid.


Permanent files are kept for all students. Students may access their grades at any time in the student portal. Certificates can be replaced if lost. A student can access transcripts and certificates of completion anytime after graduation through our LMS.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20U.S.C. § 1232gFor the; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable U.S. Department of Education program. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches 18 years of age.

Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by the School. Schools are not required to provide copies of the records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies. Parents or eligible students have the right to request that the School correct records that they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the School decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the School still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.

Generally, schools must have the student’s written permission to release any information from a student’s education record. Note: Students whose course(s) have been sponsored or paid for by an agency may have their grades provided to an agency administrator upon request without written permission. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):

  • School officials with legitimate educational interests;
  • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
  • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
  • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
  • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
  • Accrediting organizations;
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
  • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
    State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to
    specific law.

Note: Students whose course(s) have been sponsored or paid for by an agency may have their grades provided to an agency administrator upon request.

Impact EMS Training does not disclose directory information on any student. Students, who have any questions or concerns or would like to review your School records, please submit an official request by emailing


Impact EMS Training maintains student records for a five-year period. Students may access his or her transcripts and certificate of completion available any time after graduation. If a transcript or certificate of completion is lost, it can be replaced by requesting a copy by emailing

Idaho Administrative Code IDAPA 16.01.05 – EMS – Education, Instructor, & Examination Requirements.

108.03 Records Retention. All documentation related to a course or program must be retained for a minimum of five (5) years in a retrievable format.


     Students are required to complete their online courses within the timeline (EMR -6 months, EMT 9 Months, AEMT-not eligible) unless other arrangements have been made OR otherwise specified for the specific on-site class that is chosen. Extensions may be available upon request for a fee and a for no longer than 45 days. To be eligible for an  extension, there are several requirements that need to be met. Before an extension is allowed, the following criteria must be confirmed:
     1. Completion of Chapters: It is essential to confirm that the EMT has completed up to Chapter 30 of the training program. EMR’s must be  completed up through Chapter 15. This ensures that the individual has covered all the necessary material and is ready to progress further.
     2. Payment Status: The student must be paid in full. This ensures that all financial obligations have been met and allows for the extension process to proceed smoothly.
     3. Membership Status: It is necessary to confirm that the student membership is not overdue or expired. This ensures that the individual has an active and valid membership during the extension period.
     4. Accumulative Score: The EMT must have achieved an accumulative score of 80% or above. This indicates a satisfactory level of understanding and proficiency in the EMT training program.

Cohort/skills weeks/days change: Effectively March 1st, 2025 EMT AND AEMT students who are in good standing (80% or higher grade and up through chapter 30 of their course) will be eligible for a one time skills week/days transfer fee of $250 to the any available in person program at the appropriate level within their respective course timeframe.

These requirements are in place to ensure that EMTs/EMR’s meet the necessary criteria before being granted an extension. By fulfilling these criteria, EMTs/EMR’s can demonstrate their commitment to their training and readiness to continue their education and development in the field of emergency medical services.
Note: All course online requirements, including demonstrating competency of psychomotor skills, must be completed before the end of the extension of 45 days.


  1. The school will retain an established registration/application fee if the applicant cancels past the fifth business day after submitting the application. A registration/application fee is any fee the school charges to process student applications and establish a student record system.
  2. If a student cancels his or her enrollment before the start of the training program, the school shall refund the student all the money the student has paid, minus 10% of the tuition agreed upon in the enrollment agreement or respective application fee, whichever is less.
  3. If an applicant is not accepted for enrollment by the school, a full refund of all monies paid will be made to the applicant, less the registration fee.
  4. If a student withdraws or is expelled by the school after the start of the training program and before the completion of more than 50% of the program, the institution shall refund to the student a pro rata amount of the tuition agreed upon in the enrollment agreement, minus 10% of the tuition agreed upon in the enrollment agreement or respective course registration fee, whichever is less.

  5. If a student withdraws or is expelled by the school after completing more than 50% of the training program, the school is not required to refund the student any money and may charge the student the entire cost of the tuition agreed upon in the enrollment agreement.

  6. Money paid for book and lab fees, due at the registration time, is not part of the tuition fee. If a student has started his or her training program, then books and online resources are not refundable. Lab fees are refundable until the student has begun the Lab Course.

  7. If the school terminates the training program agreed upon in the enrollment agreement, the school shall refund to the student all the money the student has paid.

  8. If a refund is owed, the school shall pay the refund to the person or entity who paid the tuition within 15 calendar days after (a) the date of cancellation by a student of his or her enrollment; (b) the date of termination by the school of the enrollment of a student; (c) last date of an authorized leave of absence if a student fails to return after the period of authorized absence; or (d) last day of attendance of a student, whichever is applicable.

  9. A student’s attendance period must be measured from the first day (enrollment) of instruction as set forth in the enrollment agreement through the student’s last day of attendance, regardless of absences. The period of time for a training program is the period set forth in the enrollment agreement.


  1. If an applicant never attends class (no-show) or cancels the contract prior to the class start date, all (tuition) refunds will be made within thirty (30) calendar days of the first scheduled day of class or the date of cancellation, whichever is earlier.
  2. For an enrolled student, the refund date will be calculated using the last date of attendance (LDA) and be paid within thirty (30) calendar days from the documented date of determination (DOD). The determination date is when the student gives written or verbal notice of withdrawal to the school or the date the school terminates the student by applying the school’s attendance, conduct, or Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.


Impact EMS Training is unable to ship remote EMT equipment and or other goods internationally.
