Scheduled LMS Maintenance - Your learning portal will be unavailable and ofline on March 17 from 1-4 pm CST

FINAL DAY - Save 20% on Your Recertification With Code 'RECERT20'

Registration Complete

Step 1
Confirm Student Information
Step 2
Review Terms & Conditions
Step 3
Choose Payment Option
Step 4
Review Registration Info
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Review Registration Info

We've received your information and are processing your enrollment documents.

Here's what is going to happen next.

  1. Your registration information will be reviewed by our enrollment specialists. You may receive an email from our team if they need additional information to help with this final step. Please take this time to whitelist emails from to ensure your spam filters don’t send communications to your trash or junk folder.
  2. An enrollment agreement quote will be emailed to you. This will detail the course information and payment option you have chosen and include a place for you to e-sign confirming the information is correct. Once you e-sign that document the payment link will become available on that document and allow you to finish your payment to complete registration.
  3. Once registration is complete, we will assign an EMT instructor to you (typically within 3 business days).
  4. Once assigned, your instructor will issue your first assignment in your welcome email labelled, “Why do you want to be an EMT?” This assignment is located in the Welcome course that you’ll be given access to. Once this is completed and submitted, we will ship your books to you. They typically arrive in 4-7 business days.
  5. Once your books arrive, you can begin working your way through the online course work.
    • Read Textbook and do optional Workbook exercises.
    • Complete all assignments by chapter.
    • Listen to Pre-Recorded Lectures for each chapter.
    • Study and prepare for quizzes.
    • Take Quizzes
    • If there is a section test posted under a chapter, it will cover all previous chapters in that section. Be sure to take the section test before moving on to the next chapter.
    • Work your way through the chapters until you are finished, and then you will be able to take the Final Exam.
    • Quizzes get 2 attempts with grades being averaged between the 2 attempts. You do not have to take the second attempt if you are happy with the score received.
    • Section tests and Final Exam are 1 attempt.
    • Make sure all assignments are completed.
    • Watch EMT Skill Videos located above chapter 1.
    • Memorize EMT Skill Sheets located in the ‘Resources’ tab of your course.
  6. A few weeks into the course, you will receive an email notification that you can start your NREMT Cognitive Test Preparation. We now offer a full NREMT test prep/practice exams function that will be accessed from your main Impact account at that time.
  7. We offer the AHA Provider CPR Course online. Registration is in chapter 16, or you can select an in-person CPR course in your area.
  8. CLINICAL Experience: Print off 10 Patient Observation Forms located at the top of classroom below calendar and fill out 1 form each for 10 patients you observe either on an ambulance or in an Emergency Room. If you are unable to find a place that will allow you to do this assignment due to covid restrictions, we will be holding patient scenario sessions that you can document simulated patient interactions on those forms.
  9. Once you have completed all of the above, email or call your instructor to let them know you have finished the course work so they can ship your equipment for the Hands on Training sessions that you will do with your instructor by webcam for course completion. Your instructor contact information can be found on your welcome emaiMemorize EMT Skill Sheets located in the ‘Resources’ tab of your course.
  10. We offer the AHA Provider CPR Course online. Registration is in chapter 16, or you can select an in-person CPR course in your area.