Scheduled LMS Maintenance - Your learning portal will be unavailable and ofline on March 17 from 1-4 pm CST
FINAL DAY - Save 20% on Your Recertification With Code 'RECERT20'
Student Registration
Step 1
Confirm Student Information
Step 2
Review Terms & Conditions
Step 3
Choose Payment Option
Step 4
Review Registration Info
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Review Terms & Conditions
Initial Training Program Cancellation and Refund Policy
The school will retain the established registration/application fee if the applicant cancels past the fifth business day after the application is submitted. A registration/application fee is any fee charged by the school to process student applications and establish a student record system.
If a student cancels his or her enrollment before the start of the training program or is a no-show, the school shall refund the student all the money the student has paid, less the registration fee.
If an applicant is not accepted for enrollment by the school a full refund of all monies paid will be made to the applicant.
If a student withdraws or is removed by the school after the start of their training program the following refund table will apply:
Students who have been enrolled for less than two (2) weeks will receive a refund of 90% of the tuition total.
Students who have been enrolled for more than two (2) weeks and less than five (5) weeks will receive a refund of 75% of the tuition total.
Students who have been enrolled for more than five (5) weeks and less than ten (10) weeks will receive a refund of 50% of the tuition total.
Students who have been enrolled for more than ten (10) weeks will not be eligible for any refund of tuition.
Money paid for books, online resources, equipment fees, testing fees, and associated skills week fees, which are due at the time of registration, are not part of the tuition fee. If a student has started his or her training program, then books and online resources are not refundable. Other unused fees are refundable. For example, a student who withdraws or is removed from the program before attending the EMS skills week or doing remote skills assessment would be eligible for a refund of those associated fees that were not used.
If a refund is owed, the school shall issue the refund to the person or entity who paid the tuition within 30 calendar days after: (a) date of cancellation by a student of his or her enrollment; (b) date of termination by the school of the enrollment of a student; (c) last date of an authorized leave of absence if a student fails to return after the period of authorized absence; or (d) last day of attendance of a student, whichever is applicable. Refunds will be issued on the credit/debit card used if payment was made by a credit/debit card. If attempts to issue the refund are unsuccessful on the card used, attempts will be made to contact the person or entity who paid the tuition to obtain their preferred method of refund. Attempts will include email and phone calls. If no response is received from the person or entity who paid the tuition within thirty (30) calendar days after both phone call and email attempts have been made, the tuition refund will be mailed as a check to the address on file for the student.
The start of a student’s attendance is measured from the date of completion of the first assignment. A student who fails to complete the first course assignment within thirty (30) calendar days of being given course access will be considered a no-show.
A tuition refund worksheet will be created for each student upon termination or withdrawal from the program. This worksheet will detail the amount of refund calculated by the school and presented to the student, along with any other options the student has for continuing the program, returning at a later date, etc.
Media Release
I understand Impact EMS may photograph or video me during training and acknowledge that all photographs/videos become the property of Impact EMS I understand my likeness may be used in promotional materials and electronic media.