Give yourself the advantage with our spiral bound study guide. It includes 235 pages of critical formulas, mnemonics, diagrams, and other tools to give you the framework to walk into your exam in the right frame of mind.
Created for the future flight clinician by flight clinicians, Flight Medical Provider: A Ground and Air Critical Care Guide explores the spectrum of pathologies and patient populations you will encounter in the field.
Our study guide will give you insight into critical care and will help you prepare for your exams. Perfect companion to both our in-person and on-demand Flight Medical Provider courses!
Face advanced certifications without fear. The Flight Paramedic (FP-C®), Critical Care Paramedic (CCP-C®), and Certified Flight Nurse (CFRN®) are difficult exams that elevate the highest-performing prehospital providers, and earning a set of these letters can be just the edge you need to land that dream job.
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Just wish the program gave you more time. Was unable to get through it all.