Scheduled LMS Maintenance - Your learning portal will be unavailable and ofline on March 17 from 1-4 pm CST

FINAL DAY - Save 20% on Your Recertification With Code 'RECERT20'

Obtaining Your FP-C® Certification

Table of Contents The Flight Paramedic-Certified (FP-C) credential is a specialized certification for paramedics who provide medical care during air medical transport. Earning your FP-C certification is a challenging but rewarding achievement that demonstrates your advanced knowledge and expertise in flight and critical care transport. It can also increase your job opportunities and earning potential […]

How To Become a Flight Paramedic

Table of Contents Welcome to Your Future in Flight Medicine Welcome to IA MED’s Ultimate Guide on “How to Become a Flight Paramedic.” See our Flight Paramedic Certification to get started. This course is a roadmap that demystifies the journey to becoming a flight paramedic and is designed to help you achieve your career goals. At the […]

FP-C® Certification & Recert Programs

Recertification is an important process that ensures that flight paramedics maintain their knowledge and skills to provide high-quality care. In order to maintain their certification, flight paramedics are required to complete periodic recertification training. The Impact EMS Flight Paramedic Recertification program helps flight paramedics meet these requirements. IA MED’s FP-C® 100-Hour Recertification course covers a […]
