10 Pathologies To Know in Transport

Do you have an interview for a flight paramedic or flight nurse position coming up in your future? Have you prepared for the dreaded “clinical scenarios” you’ve heard rumors about? I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 flight interview scenarios you are most likely to see, as well as the most critical pathologies you […]
Who Needs a Traction Splint?

Who Needs a Traction Splint? Jeremy Singleton, RN CFRN CCRN CEN NREMT The human femur takes an enormous amount of force to break and is, therefore, an injury often associated with some of the higher acuity patients seen in emergency medicine. The kinetic energy necessary for such an injury, along with the close proximity of […]
Intranasal: The Perfect Route?

Intranasal: The Perfect Route? Jeremy Singleton, RN, CEN Intranasal (IN) administration of medications is an excellent tool that serves a wide variety of situations that may be seen in the prehospital/emergency environment. The ability to deliver medication in seconds without a needle saves the patient from a potentially traumatic experience while allowing the clinician to […]
A Day in The Life of a Flight Nurse

A Day in The Life of a Flight Nurse My mind wanders as the hum of a far off helicopter waxes and wanes in the distance. The action is hard to make out from where I sit next to the water, a pale blue pool shrouded in snow, but the echo of rotor blades slapping […]
When to Transfuse: Diagnostic Tools

When to Transfuse: Diagnostic Tools The ability to transfuse critically ill patients before they even reach the hospital doors is becoming a reality for more programs every day. Over the past several years the tides have shifted to favor blood in for blood out, highlighting the importance this component plays in our normal physiology. There […]
IV Flow Rate Restrictions with Commonly Used Equipment

The relationship between IV catheter gauge and flow rate seems to be widely understood, but there could be standard practices in your fluid administration that are making your sweet 16 gauge in the AC perform more like a 20 in the hand. The limitation isn’t with the catheter itself, but rather the different equipment […]