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The Right Ventricle: Getting to Know Her

(Disclaimer: the following series is meant to be a light-hearted, silly way to learn about the right ventricle while poking fun at the awkwardness of dating. There will be goofy generalizations made about men AND women; none of them are meant to be offensive. Please laugh at my jokes. And learn, but mostly just laugh.) […]

The Right Ventricle: Your First Big Fight

The Right Ventricle: Your First Big Fight You had a great first date. Things are progressing nicely, but then gosh dang COVID-19 hit and made life hard for everyone. Your new girlfriend is feeling the pressure. She’s working more hours than usual at Five Guys, there is a national shortage of ground beef which further […]

Recertifying Your BCEN Certifications

  Having an advanced certification in your specialty is a high accomplishment, and it probably took you quite a bit of studying, nail-biting, and nervous diarrhea to get through the exam. Don’t be a silly goose and wait until the eleventh hour to try to scrape together your CEUs to recertify, or worse, force yourself […]

The Right Ventricle: The Big Breakup

The Right Ventricle: The Big Breakup Let’s pick up where we left off: RV failure caused by increased pulmonary vascular resistance. A sign she’s about to leave you: Right sided heart strain. When your girlfriend has had enough and she’s about to Dear John you, it’s called a crappy day. When the RV has had enough pressure and is […]

Guilty Until Proven Innocent! Hypoxic Agitation

  “We’ve got a 62-year-old female who called 911 for herself tonight for shortness of air, but she’s got a history of anxiety, I’m pretty sure it’s just a panic attack. She’s flailing around and keeps pulling off the non-rebreather I put on her. Vitals are stable, we’ll be there in five.” Upon arrival to […]
