Coffee Pot Knock Out

Recently an American Airlines flight was diverted from its LA to DC flight path to a rapid descent, action-packed landing into Kansas City. A 6’3” 240-pound man assaulted a flight attendant and then attempted to open the cabin door, which would have depressurized the plane and likely ripped the aircraft to shreds, killing everyone on […]
“Modus Operandi” – Ventilator Modes

Once upon a time (reader, it was yesterday), I had a funny idea for comparing ventilator modes using Miss Trunchbull as assist control and Miss Honey as SIMV. My personal preference is SIMV, but I wanted to understand why SOME OF YOU WEIRDOS default to AC. So, like the astute researcher I am, I turned […]
Provider Health and Wellness in EMS

It’s no secret that the EMS community isn’t the healthiest bunch of folks on the planet. We work truckloads of long hours. We eat on the run and sometimes our only options are gas station hot dogs and a granola bar from the local ED’s EMS room. Our job requires us to go 24+ hours […]
Buyers Market

You overhauled your resume, applied for every flight job in a 100-mile radius, studied until your eyeballs fell out of your head, nailed the written exam, and rocked the scenarios like the amazing medic/nurse that you are. Now comes the easy part, right? The interview. By this point in the hiring process, you have demonstrated […]
What the funk? How SAD shifts our vibe.

What the funk? A brief discussion of how seasonal affective disorder shifts our vibe Gwenny Lawson It’s almost midnight. It’s freezing cold outside, even though last week we hit 81°F. This shift is dragging on forever and right now I feel like I hate everyone and everything, despite this being a rather uneventful day. Maybe […]
Hands Down, Our Best Tool

Whether you work in the back of an ambulance, a helicopter, or a hospital, you likely have many tools to assist you in assessing and treating your patient. Tools such as monitors, a stethoscope, dopplers, thermometers, ultrasound units, glucometers and iStat machines, TOCO monitors, and endless imaging devices. Healthcare has created advanced technology for looking […]
Women’s History Month: Women in EMS, Part 3

This month we took a look at Marie Marvingt, a pioneer in HEMS and a woman who helped create pre-hospital medicine in the early 1900s. We also featured Dr. Erica Carney, a bold woman making EMS a better field across the Midwest today. For part three, we will shine a light on the woman who […]
Women’s History Month: Celebrating The Women of EMS, Part 2

Sub-five feet. Barely a hundred pounds, soaking wet. Blonde hair and blue eyes. But GOSH DANG is Dr. Erica Carney a force to be reckoned with. She’s the most amazing combination of grit, brains, and kindness with a smile more contagious than COVID-19. She grew up in Kansas City, where she stayed for a […]
Women’s History Month: Celebrating the Women of EMS, Part 1

March is Women’s History Month and here at IMPACT EMS, we will be highlighting the work of a small handful of women who have blazed trails in the field of EMS. First up: Marie Marvingt, a world class multi-sport athlete, aviator, surgical nurse, and all around badass. She was the third woman IN THE HISTORY […]
Minute Ventilation

Ventilator management strategies are all that glitters in the EMS community right now. ???? All the cool podcasters are talking about it; the bloggers are bloggin’ blogs about recruitment maneuvers and pronation of intubated patients. Vent management is the skinny jeans of EMS education. But I’m kinda dorky, and I take great care to not […]