How NOT to be an A**hole Paramedic

The Top 5 Ways Not to be an A**hole Paramedic: 1. Dealing with other agencies We’ve all been there. We’ve arrived on scene only to discover that other first responders (firemen or police officers) arrived first. While this isn’t typically a problem, occasionally, it can cause issues. Part of the problem can stem from other […]
Spooky Thursdays: Darkness Falls

Warning: potential trigger warning! A 72-year-old man was admitted to the hospital for congestive heart failure, which had led to kidney failure, and his significantly younger wife was always by his side. The whole cardiac unit talked about how there was something not quite right about his wife–nobody could ever put their finger on what […]
Thriller Thursdays – Spooky EMS Stories

? Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart. You try to scream, but terror takes the sound before you make it. ? I was on call the night before the full moon. I’ve always dreaded the full moon–nothing seems to go right, but the night before is usually ok. Maybe […]
Complacency 2.0…It’s Us

Fair warning – this might sting a little. First, here is a short summary. Say the words complacency in EMS, and most of us will nod in unison and conjure images of the “corner cutters” that work in the profession. These are the providers that know the policies and they know the protocols, but when […]
A Tale of Two Flight Paramedics

I’d like to tell you a story of two Flight Paramedics who recently re-certified their FP-C. The story will revolve around two FP-C. Flight Paramedic one..who we will call FP1 and Flight Paramedic two…who we will call FP2. Here is what you need to re-cert your FP-C in a nutshell: Retake the written certification examination […]
NREMT Recertification Rodeo

NREMT Recertification. License Fees. Ugh. Just the thought of recertifying gives me a headache. But, if your work requires that certification, or if you want to transfer your license to another state easily, it is a necessary evil that occurs every two years at the end of March. NREMT actually has a pretty good website […]